Powerful communication via storytelling.


  • Storytelling

    Whoever tells the best story wins. Stories are an invaluable tool that connects readers to the words on the page.

  • Deciphering Data

    Facts and figures can be vital but they’re useless if a reader can’t understand what’s in front of them. Transforming complex data into something accessible to the masses is one of my many strengths.

  • Evoking Emotion

    Whether writing sales copy or research articles, triggering an emotional response from the reader can make all the difference.

Latest Articles & Reports

Members of the Month - Real Stories of Real People Using Real Estate to Live Life on Their Own Terms!

Each month I chat with a member about their journey investing in real estate, and I put together a 1-page story to feature them in our monthly newsletter. These stories are also available online on our Members-Only Site.

I also repurpose snippets of these stories for testimonials and other marketing purposes.

 What’s Driving Housing (Un)Affordability in Ontario?

When millennials (the largest demographic entering the housing market) look back at their parents’ generation, it’s easy to be jealous of what they paid for their house. The average sale price for a house with the Toronto Real Estate Board in 1981 was $90,203. In 2021, the average sale price is up to $1,095,419. 

Ontario’s Population Explosion: How Ontario's Population Trends are Creating Amazing Opportunities for Savvy Real Estate Investors

We’re going to put it simply: the population in this country is exploding. And it’s having major impacts on Ontario and the Greater Golden Horseshoe specifically. 

This isn’t a one-year trend; Canada has been outpacing the rest of the G7 countries for some time and is forecasted to continue this pace for years.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
